‘December 8th, 1980’ – a poem by Danny Faragher

December 9, 2016 in Coping, Poetry, Reflections

December 8, 1980

your soul is
a beam of light
shooting across the universejohn-lennon

down here
we twist and writhe
in the straight jacket of our grief

will we?
can we ever
Imagine again?

Danny Faragher

‘Sanity’ – a poem by Danny Faragher with artwork by Michael Cano

April 20, 2016 in Coping, Happenings, Poetry, Thoughts


the shattered glass reflectsSanityPic
a thousand images

where lies reality?

the ordered world breaks down
into a random spray of neurons

matter over mind
free radical chaos

sanity is a dangling rope
reach out, grab it and
hold on for dear life

Invisibility – A poem by Danny Faragher with artwork by Michael Cano

April 4, 2016 in Coping, Happenings, Poetry, Thoughts


they call them the ‘wee’ hours,
but when enveloped in their dark cover
one breathes the severed solitude of  the ‘I’
the bed creaks under my rustle and turn

a dog barks in the neighborhood,
sharp spears of sound  pierce the night.
do keen ears detect an intruder?
perhaps he fears invisibility,
dreads disappearing into the inky gloom
and is announcing to the universe
a confirmation of his existence –
‘I bark therefore I am’

I fight the urge to open the window
stick out my head and
join my canine friend in primal cry


– See more at: http://www.dannyfaragher.com/category/poetry/coping-poetry/#sthash.5Da20uY0.dpuf


Lady Death – a poem by Danny Faragher, artwork by Michael Cano

March 20, 2016 in Coping, Happenings, Poetry, Reflections, Thoughts, Uncategorized

lady death is always thereLady Death_pic
she rides in the shotgun seat
we are fellow travelers

though my gaze is fixed on the road
and our eyes have never met
her figure looms in my periphery

between us there is an awkward silence
how does one break the ice?
can’t chat about the weather with death
(man, talk about an elephant in the room)
the white lines are racing by
but with my companion
there is no closure
no shedding of light

sometimes, though,
out of nowhere
she purses her lips
and whistles a
haunting tune – the
melody strange,
but, oddly,


January 6, 2016 in Coping, Poetry, Reflections, Scrolling Back, Thoughts, Uncategorized


connection cut
but connection still felt
her presence is all around –
the strands of hair in an idle brush,
a smiling snapshot on the dresser top,
a note found stashed in a coat pocket

he roams from room to room
reaching out in vain, trying to
penetrate the empty space
she left behind
the walls mock him with the
echo of his own weeping

grief has no expiration date
it does not diminish or subside, but
flows like an underground stream,young mary fin
carving out new caverns of being
and flooding to the surface now and again
with a startling paroxysm of tears

but the sun rises and sets
life scrolls on
one copes,
learning to live with grief
just as one learns to tolerate
a pain in the joint or
to tune out a ringing in the ears



cry, dark cloud

September 25, 2015 in Coping, Poetry, Scrolling Back, Thoughts

cry, dark cloud
let your tears rain downDark-Clouds-Over-Ocean-Wallpaper
upon me

weep, dark sky
unfold your shroud to
cover my sorrow

sigh, deep, rhythmic sea
exhale your misty breath
against my being
to wash my soul
and comfort me


September 23, 2015 in Coping, Poetry, Reflections, Thoughts


the shattered glass reflects
a thousand images

where lies reality?

the ordered world breaks down
into a random spray of neurons

matter over mind
free radical chaos

sanity is a dangling rope
reach out, grab it and
hold on for dear life

my mark

August 14, 2014 in Coping, Poetry, Reflections, Thoughts

my mark

to make my mark… to be seen and heardmeteor2
was my purpose, my desire
to blaze like a meteor across the sky
so young, so full of fire

but with the years I’ve shed this edgy
need to prove that I exist
watching, listening, I now hear and see
the myriad things that I have missed

‘hit your mark and tell the truth.’ –
so said the actor sage
it resonates less in the heat of youth
than in the cool of age

The Blues – a poem

July 7, 2014 in Coping, Poetry, Reflections


The Blues

when Regret presses its heavy palmsWail
down upon my shoulders,
looks me dead in the eye and nods –
‘I told you so’

I shrug,
return the gaze,
grab each wrist, and smile –
‘Hey, motherfucker, want to  dance?’



May 27, 2014 in Coping, Poetry



they call them the ‘wee’ hours,
but when enveloped in their dark cover
one breathes the severed solitude of  the ‘I’
the bed creaks under my rustle and turn

a dog barks in the neighborhood,
sharp spears of sound  pierce the night.
do keen ears detect an intruder?
perhaps he fears invisibility,
dreads disappearing into the inky gloom
and is announcing to the universe
a confirmation of his existence –
‘I bark therefore I am’

I fight the urge to open the window
stick out my head and
join my canine friend in primal cry



I step forward gingerly to pass the young man
who has suddenly, and abruptly halted his gait.
his eyes sucked downward in channeled focus,
he thumbs frantically on the video screen that
flashes like a tiny beacon in his hands.
“shit!” he mutters under his breath as he
lifts his arms in “why me?” gesture,
and with deliberate sigh of exasperation
spins a quick quarter turn into my torso,
knocking me back on my heels.
“watch it!” I shout
the human connection takes him by surprise.
“huh! oh!.. sorry , man!”
a momentary break before being drawn
like a magnet back to his phone
as I move on.



her eyes looking elsewhere
the female clerk performs the transaction
and stretches out her arm to hand me my change.
she pours the motley assortment
of coins into my palm,
all the while flirting with a male co-worker.
‘thanks.’  I say. ‘have a good one.’
‘that’s so cool !’ she says to the guy,
‘no way!’



909 booming from a hot shot  wagon
hi hat hissing and snarling like a dragon
filling the available air with a sound
whose intention is to wrestle all ears to the ground
white boys digging on a groove they think is baddass
‘if you don’t like it, brah, then move your little sad ass!’
a male voice enters with a rhyme and a rant
like machine gun fire in monotonous chant
and with a slant that aims to inform and to wow us
with his mean street credentials and his sexual prowess
I’m waiting at the stop light, and rolling up the window
there ain’t no escaping from the sound that’s gettin’ in, though
boom boom kack – ka boom boom kack
’til the car peels out to leave me in its tracks
hey, I’m just a captive stretched out on a sonic rack
boom boom kack – ka boom boom kack…



like children walking single file
we weave across the restaurant  floor
following the young maitre die who
cradles a stack of menus to her breast.
she swings around to flash a smile
as her eyes turn downward to empty table,
her free arm inviting us to be seated

a brown skinned man takes one last swipe
with wet rag over table top
as a second busboy falls in with place settings
the waitress arrives to announce her name
and recite her sing song litany
of  daily specials and high priced drinks
menus unfold like a circle of birds
extending their wings and eyes begin scanning
printed page as conversation commences

I lean in get the drift when suddenly behind me –
a startling explosion of laughter –
I turn to sneak a quick glance
the party… already two shots of alcohol ahead
and apparently working on a third,
erupts again in a double decibel guffaw
that only my left ear will register.
yes, after twenty-five years
of diminishing… bit by bit…
my right ear has nearly given up the ghost.
stereo sound is a distant memory.
yet, like a deep subterranean river
the music is always moving through my mind.
I mouth a little prayer… “Please…
“Let my good ear be spared.”

I think of poor Ludwig and his torment.
how he must have suffered.
his fingers penetrating the keys
in vain. unable to hear the  echo
of  his soul… the joyous rapture…
the agonizing heartbreak …
but somehow finding strength to continue –
ideas flowing from brain to open air
the beauty of his inner life
shared with the world..

someone is addressing me with laughing eyes
I struggle to hear the speaker above the cacophony
of  clanging dishes and ringing dinner ware
the oscillating waves swirl chaotically in my head
I lean in with my good side.
no, still not understanding…
“I’m sorry?” I say.
the friendly question is repeated.
I attempt to decipher the telegraphy of  moving lips
but the light is low,
my eyes are no longer sharp,
I do not make out the pristine outline
Christ! I can’t ask her to again repeat.
instead I flash a foolish smile
and bob my head knowingly,
hoping my fakery gets me through
the moment undiscovered

the sonic swell begins to settle
into a steady stream of white sound
like distant waves breaking on the surf
and I feel myself melting away…
I tune out…
adrift in a cool liquid world
horizon to horizon… not another soul…
floating in a sea green stillness…

embracing my own invisibility